This isn’t your average coaching session, this is a deep dive into your soul!

Practical Life Guidance

Life Guidance


This isn’t your average coaching session, this is a deep dive into your soul!


dream big and make sh!t happen.

I am here to support you in finding your light, your power and your crazy amazing unique purpose. Call it modern mysticism, call it intuitive coaching, call it you and me working sh*t out.

This is the perfect antidote to a world that dulls the senses with overstimulation and overextension.

Imagine if you could…

Shine ‘bright like a diamond’, without feeling like a selfish b*tch (at least most of the time)!

Knew exactly what you needed, what brings you pleasure and the plan to achieve it!

Had all the tools to deal with life’s bumpy ride. Made friends with change, stopped feeling overwhelmed and put yourself back in the driver’s seat!

tap into your power and crazy unique purpose

What is this...


Inspired by ancient wisdom and modern practices, the Chandra⌣Crystal method is a sensorial experience that embodies the frequency of you. A personalised ritual of movement, breath and energetics that leaves you relaxed, recharged and empowered.

We will sweep the corners of your psyche with a combination of: Tarot, Astrology, Guided Mediation, Embodiment practices and good old fashioned self-development tools.

A holistic methodology that works like no other.

“I believe we all have the power to tap into unlimited potential. A highly vibrational out of this world sexy frequency that is yours and only yours.”



A lifetime of reading the cards and following my intuition led me to a career as an executive in some of the largest luxury houses in the world. Add a background in psychology and over 20 years leading creatives, let’s just say…I know how to inspire people to get sh*t done.

I am here to support, to listen and to show you another way. Are you ready to let go and discover YOU?

  • "So easy, and yet so profound."

    “In our first session, Chandra Crystal helped me see things that I had never realized before. Everything looks different from here.”

    —Felisa P.

  • "Chandra Crystal is incredibly intuitive. She got me completely."

    “What a beautiful and meaningful ritual! I was left both uplifted, and reassured that the future is mine.”

    —Kate K.

ready to meet next-level you?

In these 90 minute sessions, we read the energy you, and only you, were born with and how that is playing out in the now. We’ll use a unique combination of Astrology, Numerology and Tarot to dive into your unique Cosmic DNA. The result? Clarity, Focus, and Action.



The Cosmic Circle is a sensual experience. An activation inspired by ancient rituals and aligned with the natural rhythms of the seasons — this consciously curated event will leave you feeling relaxed, reset and reinvigorated.

The Cosmic Mentorship is a 9-week course. Journey alongside a tribe of international women. Dig deeper and do the work with a little extra support. Ready for something different?


Are we a good fit?

Take the first step and find out with a 20 min clarity call, on the house.